Fill - Fills the selected layer(s) with the selected primary color. Flatten Image - Combines everything into one layer. Merge Visible Layers - Merges all layers that are currently visible. Merge Layers - Merges the selected layers together. Transfer Painting into Next Layer - Transfers everything from the currently selected layer into the one below. Erase layer - Erases everything on the selected layer(s), without deleting them. Delete Layer - Deletes the selected layer(s). Copy Layer - Duplicates the currently selected layer(s). New Layer Folder - Creates a new layer folder, which you can use to organize your layers. New Linework Layer - Creates a new linework (vector-like) layer. New Normal Layer - Creates a new normal layer. I'm guessing it allows you to change the way the Fringe effect looks. Layer Effect Color - I haven't really used this one. Transparency may only appear as white, but you can set it to be checkerboard, a custom color, even a dark checkerboard. Canvas Background - Lets you change the background of the canvas. Rotate Canvas - Allows you to rotate the canvas 90 degrees left (CCW) and right (CW). Can be done both horizontally and vertically. Reverse Canvas - Allows you to flip the canvas, kinda like mirroring. If you make a selection with the box select tool (or any other one), you can change the canvas size to fit the selection. Trim Canvas by Selection - Basically a crop tool. Change Canvas Size - Allows you to make the canvas larger or smaller without affecting the size of the image. Change Canvas Resolution - Allows you to change the resolution of the image, basically make it larger or smaller without cutting anything off. Copy by selection bounds - Not quite sure what this one does. Copy - Copies the selection to your clipboard. Cut - Cuts the selection to your clipboard. SHIFT + left click - Selects files or folders like a list.
CTRL + left click - Selects multiple files or folders.Double left click - Opens the file or folder.
Left drag + SHIFT or CTRL key pressed - Copy file / folder.Recover Work - Allows you to recover lost work in case of a crash, deletion, etc.Save by FileViewer - Allows you to save an image by SAI's FileViewer.
Open Canvas by FileViewer - Allows you to open an image by SAI's FileViewer.Always Use FileViewer - Choose whether to use the SAI FileViewer or the Windows one.Export - Allows you to save the canvas as the file type you choose.Save As - You can make a duplicate of the canvas or save it as a different file type.Save - Saves the current canvas to a file.Useful if you want to get back to work quickly. Recent - Shows the recent documents you have opened.Create Canvas from Clipboard - If you copy an image you can open it in SAI2 with this.The menu bar lists options at the top of the screen.